What To Do If You Receive A Subpoena Or Summon Papers

Woman reading a document

Picture this: you’re just going about your ordinary day when the doorbell rings and a sheriff hands you a subpoena or a summons by registered letter. Sounds scary, doesn’t it? Worry not, here’s what you should do. But first, let’s try to understand the differences between the two.  What’s A Summons?  Used in civil and criminal cases, a summons inherently …

4 Ways Technology Has Made Us Better At Process Serving

Professional process server

The contemporary world requires businesses to stay on top of their game by adapting to the ever-evolving latest technologies that jump-start their journey to efficiency. At Elite Legal Services of NY Inc., we strive to find ways to provide proficient process serving services while ensuring your legal documents reach where they need to go quickly, affordably, and more easily.  Here’s …

How Process Servers Ensure Divorce Papers Are Served Timely

An image of a gavel and the US constitution

Serving someone court papers can be a daunting task. The complexities of the procedure require you to track down the person, ensure that they receive the documents, and receive an acknowledgment that the due process was carried out. This method can be especially tough if the other party is actively avoiding being served with court papers, which is why legal …

Process Servers: On-Screen Portrayals vs. Real Life

An image of the iconic Hollywood sign

Hollywood is a glamorous world. Whether it’s the big screen or the silver one, Hollywood’s influence spreads far and wide across the globe.  Studies show that children are strongly influenced by television. It’s often their primary source of information during their formative years, outside of school, and television depictions become the norm against which all other experiences are judged. There …

What Is Document Retrieval, & What Documents Can It Find?


When attorneys work on any case in a particular state, oftentimes, the information they require to build a strong case isn’t readily available to them. Given the number of people who move around from one state to another each year, it’s extremely common for a law firm in New York, for example, to need documents located at the courthouse across …

Answering The Top 19 FAQs About Process Serving

An Image of the 15th amendment to the constitution

Receiving court papers can often be a stressful experience for people. Process serving is an art, which requires professionalism and reliability. Process servers often work with legal firms to assure timely service, as court cases cannot start until a defendant is served. If you’re looking to serve someone with papers, you must obtain all the vital information about process serving. …

Person You Are Serving Is Evasive – What Can Process Server Do?

in the public record

While knocking on the defendant’s door and serving legal papers is the ideal situation for process servers, it doesn’t always work that way. In fact, the defendant might be so keen to avoid receiving papers that they would go to any lengths to dodge the issue. In this case, the process server might have to look for alternatives. Read on …

Common Process Service Mistakes With Major Consequences

Hammer and gravel

Process servers serve legal papers to defendants in a court case. Therefore, they should be dependable, organized, and have thorough knowledge about legal matters.  However, process servers aren’t always perfect. They can make mistakes that can result in the dismissal of the court case or even a mistrial. That’s why it’s so important to hire a reputable process serving agency …